BookLeaf Publishing Launches A First-of-Its Kind Writing Program

BookLeaf Publishing Launches A First-of-Its Kind Writing Program

Innovative minds have much to deliver to society in the form of writing. A person with excellent writing skills must utilize their talent in something extensive, like writing stories, poems, and novels. Myassignmenthelp can provide valuable assistance in refining these skills. Writing a story or a poem is not easy; it requires utmost skill and dedication to express thoughts and emotions through words.

A writer writes when he is sad, angry, or happy. Every emotion provides some unique thoughts. Writing something means to confront yourself, you get the chance to discover yourself through writing.

What Has BookLeaf Publishing Come Up With?

The 21 day writing challenge is an initiative by BookLeaf Publishing to give our creative selves a space to flourish. In this challenge, you are required to write a poem each day for 21 days, and at the end of 21 days, your poems will be published in the form of a book. The poetry book will be an individual book with your name on it.

You can write poems on any theme. Different themes can be written each day in the writing challenge. If you miss the deadline days, you will also get some extra time to finish your work.

What are the Different Services You Get Online?

BookLeaf Publishing is providing both paperback and eBook publishing in this program, along with cover design, book interior design, ISBN and barcode, 100% royalty, certificate of publication, global distribution on stores like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, Kindle, Kobo Books, etc.

This sounded very new and strange at first but the writers are loving it and appreciating the publisher as we can see in the BookLeaf Publishing reviews online.

Apart from the publishing services after the completion of the writing challenge, BookLeaf Publishing also offers a few optional paid add-on services like customised cover design, illustrations design, and personal consultation.

Some additional perks in this writing program are:

  • Book Marketing

You can sell more copies of your poetry book with the book marketing strategy provided to you by the publisher. They give you a complete guide to promote your book in the markets.

  • Author Copies

You can get as many copies as you want at just the printing cost of the book, and not at the selling price.

  • Reserved Rights

The author retains the complete ownership of the book’s copyright and content, and the publisher does not take any rights over the books.

This is indeed a wonderful opportunity for writers, poets and aspiring authors, and we hope to see more of such programs from BookLeaf Publishing.
