Jill Bittinger – An Agent Embracing Pathways of Conscious Evolution

If you attune, you may hear a call from within. A call to let go of the illusory security of previous conclusions to embrace a new awareness dawning. We are being called to fearlessly choose the new personal territory that requires us towards a dynamic existence, rebalancing and responding to changing conditions in a non-linear world.
We allow and use our spiritual intelligence and intuition so that we can escape the prison where “nothing but matter exists.” We must let go of our assumptions to recognize a broader range of potential outcomes as developing opportunities that we could not even see before this period of awakening.
We exist in a busy world. The theory is best served when it leads to effective action in the busyness of that world, helping to grow not only intellectually but in conscious awareness. Though each of us is unique, we do not exist as isolated individuals. Instead, we inherently engage with one another. We must work together and with conscious knowledge to develop new elements of the outside environment that support our future. We are called to re-engineer our societal systems to reflect a growing understanding of the unique blend of priorities that can unify body, mind, emotions, and the spirit within.
Why are we here? Truly. We suggest that it is for the point of each individual’s soul growth. The soulful self has a human experience. Imagine that we came into this 3D reality with the impetus towards expansion. What would that mean? Perhaps, that it is this inner drive that compels the development of tools, deep thinking, grand theories, and now growing awareness. As significant change becomes ever more evident, often with breakdowns of old systems and ways of being, we can also see the possibilities for new beginnings. Connecting with that internal guidance system can now be seen as an essential element toward the purposeful change that our next steps in evolution call for. In this way, we enter the realm of conscious, intentional, and spiritual evolution. Let us go within before leaping into action.
Science denies the grounds this view would stand on and reduces our confidence that we know what we know. The reality that science is only now deeply grappling with is to recognize that consciousness is a fundamental feature of the Universe. The work of new thought leaders like Barbara Marx Hubbard, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Joe Dispenza, the Heart Math Institute, and many others are leading the way to help us understand that the new scientific findings support an inherent connection between science and the realm of spirit.
Even clearer is that we are not simply victims of random chaos of happenstance atoms. Instead, we are the embodiment of a living heart of divine intelligence. Cellular organisms are organized in a way that allows us to be in union with that creative intelligence by seeing the power of our creative force. Even science now points the way to recognize we ARE affecting our reality. We collectively create the world in and around us through our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. This new scientific view opens more profound regard for conscious creation. How are we adapting to it? How is this awareness affect the education of our young?
Jill Bittinger is a passionate educational leader aiming to unite mind, body, and soul in learning environments. As an individual devoted to this line of study, she integrates it into her present work as an elementary educator, trainer of elementary teachers, and educational company founder. Jill’s experience includes 10 years as a Multicultural Arts Teacher and Performing Artist, 15 years as a Primary and Elementary School Educator, and 2 years as a College Program Supervisor, author, and company founder of Transformed Education, LLC. Throughout her professional career, Jill builds upon themes of honoring the wholeness of individuals, both students, and teachers, cultivating creativity, connecting to the big cosmic picture, and connecting to the soulful self within. Her diversity of windows upon the educational world has provided insight and understanding—which she seeks to share through her company’s work. She also invites us to consider the core values of education, given its overall effect on the well-being of society. We are more than mechanical human doings on an endless treadmill of hoops to jump through. Instead, we are human beings that need to connect with reason and purpose that plug into our essence.
- Teaching with the Soul in Mind: Connecting Content, Community and the Creative Spirit
- Peace Education: Our Time is Now.
Are you curious about connecting with the soulful way of living? The purpose can it lead to? The enhanced life it can invite? Begin with attuning within, trusting that there is a guidance system we come in with, and adjusting to it with power and purpose. Above are two books written by Bittinger that have been receiving appreciation from those stepping into expanding awareness.